A selection:
28.1.2025, Lüneburg
“Future without fear” – with futurologist Mathias Horx
Board of Trustees “Lebendige Stadt“
19.1.2025, Seevetal
New Year’s reception of the Social Democrats, district of Harburg
New Year’s reception “Women in Lead“
5.12.2024, Berlin
Tour of a Siemens electrolysis factory and eFuel Alliance board meeting
3-5.12., Stockholm 2024, Stockholm
Ceremony for the awarding of the “Alternative Nobel Prizes“; find out more about the winners here
29.11.2024, Düsseldorf
Lecture at the German Sustainability Award on the topic of “Just transformation – How social balance and responsibility interact”
28.11.2024, Düsseldorf
Presentation of the German Sustainability Award to the “Labor Tempelhof” project of the Cradle to Cradle NGO
November 19-20, 2024, Hamburg
B.A.U.M Award Ceremony and Conference
October 13-19, 2024, Poland
Study trip to Poland with the Association of Former Members of the German Bundestag and the European Parliament
September 24, 2024, Hamburg
Hamburg Cruise Dialogue; keynote speech by Dr. Monika Griefahn
September 20, 2024, Greifswald
25 years of the Succow Foundation; the foundation does pioneering work in nature and climate protection and celebrates its anniversary this year with various events.
September 17-18, 2024, Düsseldorf
Living City Foundation invites you to the round table and committee meetings
September 15-23, 2024, Buchholz i. d. Nordheide
European Mobility Week and 150 years of rail in Buchholz; lectures, activities, street festival and school rally.
May 18-28, 2024:
Trip to Georgia with the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)
May 5, 2024:
Support for the northern Israeli Haifa University, Hamburg
May 3-5, 2024:
Advisory board meeting of the Giordano Bruno Foundation
April 30, 2024
50th N Club Hamburg (platform for sustainability)
April 4-15, 2024:
China trip with the “Economic Forum of Social Democracy”.
April 2, 2024:
Evening for the late writer Jutta Heinrich at the Literaturhaus Hamburg.
March 27, 2024:
Meeting of the Ambassadors of the Ocean Decade, Hamburg
March 13, 2024:
Cradle-to-Cradle session with students from Babson College, a business school in the USA, in Hamburg.
March 23, 2024:
Right Livelihood Switzerland Foundation Board meeting with visit to Demeter cheese dairy.
January 31, 2024:
New Year’s reception Women in Lead, Berlin
January 15, 2024:
Discussion in the Red Salon of the Kultur-Palast Billstedt on the topic of eFuels
October 18, 2023:
Participation in the award ceremony for the German Environmental Aid (DUH) Environmental Media Award.
October 17, 2023:
Keynote speech at the “Transformation Summit NRW/Monitor 2035 – Future NRW” on the topic “How can eFuels contribute to achieving climate targets in the transport sector?”
October 11, 2023:
Talks on eFuels and CO2 in truck transport in Brussels.
September 28, 2023:
Presentation of the new laureates of the Right Livelihood Award (“Alternative Nobel Prize”).
September 12, 2023: Keynote and discussion at the Finance Industry Sustainability Congress on Cradle and Cradle, Munich.
September 8-9, 2023: Cradle to Cradle Congress in Berlin, Germany
August 24-25, 2023: Speaker at the Eco Summercamp “From wild consuption to responsible engagment”, Lassalle Institute, Switzerland.
June 29, 2023: Discussion on “The Future of Aviation” at the ZEIT weekly newspaper’s “Time for Climate” congress in Berlin.
June 15, 2023: Lecture at the German Maritime Center on the topic of “Maritime Transformation – Paving the Way for the Future.
May 2, 2023: Guest speaker on “Sustainability & Climate Policy” at the annual German-American Conference (DAK) of Atlantik-Bruecke and American Council on Germany (ACG) in Washington, D.C.
April 20, 2023: Start of the four-day nature film festival Lüneburger Heide under the patronage of Monika Griefahn.
March 28, 2023: Keynote at the Automotive Industry Association VDA on “New Solutions for Climate Neutral Drives”.
March 30, 2023: Participation in the real estate congress of the Federal Association of Free Real Estate and Housing Companies (BFW). Discussion in the panel “Departure into the circular economy.”
March 17, 2023: Organizational meeting of the Swiss Foundation Board of the Right Livlihood Foundation (“Alternative Nobel Prize”) for future events.
March 10, 2023: The winner of the “Alternative Nobel Prize” Vladimir Slivyak from Russia was a guest at “Reading without Nuclear Power” in Hamburg.
February 14, 2023: Public meeting of the Climate Advisory Council of the City of Buchholz with presentation of the Climate Action Plan in the budget of the city.
February 7, 2023: Women in Lead event in Berlin. Out of the SPD Economic Forum, the “Women in Lead” network was founded in 2021 to add female leaders to the dialogue on key economic and social issues of the day. Now it has been expanded to include an “Expert Group.”
January 26, 2023: Keynote presentation on Cradle to Cradle in construction at the Living City Foundation retreat.
January 23, 2023: Participation as a speaker at the specialist congress “Fuels of the Future” in Berlin.
December 6-7, 2022: eFuel Summit in Brussels
December 1, 2022: German Sustainability Award: Honorary Award for Prof. Michael Braungart (Cradle to Cradle).
November 30, 2022: Award ceremony Right Livelihood Award (“Alternative Nobel Prize”), Stockholm
November 16, 2022: B.A.U.M. annual conference with award ceremony in Gütersloh
October 20, 2022: Introductory statement at “eKKon 2022” – the Austrian congress on eFuels in Vienna. It is about the growing importance of eFuels in the climate debate.
September 28/29, 2022: Living City Congress at the Humboldt Forum Berlin. Monika Griefahn joins the panel to discuss the topic of historicization and repositioning – City Palace and Humboldt Forum.
September 22, 2022: Lecture on “The Cradle to Cradle principle – necessary for climate protection” at the Lions Club Hamburg-Hoheneichen.
September 20, 2022: Participation in the award ceremony of the art prizes 2020 and 2021 of the SPD parliamentary group of Lower Saxony in Hanover.
September 20/21, 2022: Participation in the Symposium for Technology, Recycling, Waste Management and Sustainability in Discourse (TREND) in Hamburg.
September 14, 2022: Inauguration of the first PTL plant in Hamburg. With panel discussion on power-to-liquid.
August 29, 2022: Cradle to Cradle lecture at the Eco Summer Camp for young adults in Switzerland.
August 18, 2022: Participation in the Maritime Summer Meeting in Kiel.
August 8, 2022: Informational meeting at INOQ GmbH in Schnega on the topic of mycorrhiza.
July 7, 2022: Speech at Heuer Dialog in Bremerhaven on opportunities for real estate development in the city.
June 22, 2022: The Central Real Estate Committee (ZIA) organizes the Real Estate Industry Day in Berlin; participation in the panel “Climate Protection” with the topic Cradle to Cradle.
May 12, 2022: Participation in the Congress Cradle to Cradle –Shaping municipalities of the future. Find more information on my blog.
May 10, 2022: Right Livlihood laureate and Russian environmental activist Vladimir Slivyak speaks to the “Alternative Nobel Prize” parliamentary group of the German Bundestag. Slivyak received the award for his commitment against nuclear power and fossil energies.
May 2, 2022: Buchholz Climate Advisary Council with presentation of the Climate Action Plan.
May 4.-5, 2022: Masterclass “Hydrogen based technologies for mobility & transport: Fuel cells vs. hydrogen combustion vs. eFuels” at the H2-Forum in Berlin, Motto: “Green hydrogen society – gigawatt scaling for EU’s CO2 neutrality”.
April 11, 2022: Lecture and discussion about eFuels at the club evening of the ASC Allgemeiner Schnauferlclub e.V. in Hamburg.
March 29, 2022: Panel discussion at the Clean Energy Summit in Brussels (digital event) on the topic: “Reinventing mobility: What’s the future for European transport?”
March 25, 2022: Opening keynote at an EU-Japan Center for Industrial Cooperation webinar on eFuels and hydrogen.
March 24, 2022: Participation in the conference “Hydrogen and reFuels” of the state of Baden-Württemberg as part of the Strategy Dialogue Automotive Industry BW.
March 11, 2022: Meeting with the Astraia Foundation – Justice for Women and Girls.
March 6, 2022: Kick-off of the eco-film tour with Michael Succow
March 8, 2022: Presentation on “Politics and Lobbyism” in the context of an FÖJ seminar, Berlin.
January 25, 2022: Presentation on eFuels to Socialist MEPs.
January 24, 2022: Participation in the panel discussion “Green Deal and “Fit for 55” – The Role of Alternative Fuels for the Combustion Engine of the Future” at the 19th International Digital Renewable Mobility Congress. More about the event here.
January 24, 2022: Moderation of the online event: “eFuels in International Energy Partnerships – Win-Win or Winner Takes It All?”
November 17, 2021: Participation in the annual conference of the 2 Degrees Foundation; it is a foundation in Germany, with which companies aim to strengthen climate protection and the sustainable use of natural resources.
November 10, 2021: Cradle to Cradle lecture at the Association of Climate Protection Companies, Gelsenkirchen.
October 28, 2021: Lecture on the subject of Cradle to Cradle at the Rotary Club Hamburg.
October 17, 2021: Guest at the State Garden Show in Überlingen. Monika Griefahn and Valerio Ciriello SJ discussed the topic “Greta and the Pope: Responsibility for Climate and Creation in the Anthropocene”. Moderated by Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo.
September 30 – October 3, 2021: First Nature Film Festival Lüneburg Heath; Patron Monika Griefahn opened the festival on September 30th. in Bendestorf and took part in the panel discussion for the film “Gegen den Strom”. All information about the film festival at www.films4future.de
September 7th, 2021: Panel discussion on “German Unity and Nature Conservation” – organized by the Deutsche Gesellschaft e.V., the Federal Foundation “Aufarbeitung” and the Berlin Commissioner for Processing the SED dictatorship.
Here you can watch the event “Shaping the future – preserving nature” on YouTube.
08/30/2021: Participation in the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of Greenpeace in Stralsund.
Here is an audio report from the SWR radio and TV station about this event.
07/28/2021: Cradle to Cradle lecture at the Lions Club in Cuxhaven.
July 1st, 2021: Lecture on Cradle to Cradle in tourism at the 6th Futouris exchange forum.
June 15, 2021: Event / interview on the subject of technology neutrality with eFuels
Here are some audio clips
June 8th, 2021: Speaker at TEDx Bonn 2021 – #TURNITAROUND – Stories of Sustainability
You can listen to the lecture on YouTube here.
May 20, 2021: Discussion at the SPD Mülheim-Ruhr on the German Climate Protection Act.
April 15, 2021: Lectures on the Right Livelihood Award (“Alternative Nobel Prize”) and Cradle to Cradle at Buchinger Clinics in Überlingen
January 8th, 2021: 11th anniversary of the Right Livelihood Colleges
November 4, 2020: Monika Griefahn presented the online event “Environmental Management Summit” Hamburg
June 6, 2020: Monika Griefahn as guest at the digital conference “Future Week” by futurolgist Matthias Horx
January 31-February 1, 2020: Cradle to Cradle Congess, Urania, Berlin
November 21, 2019: Keynote at the Youth Travel Congress in Berlin, organized by Reisenetz, (German association for youth journeys)
November 8, 2019: Speech at the 15. Hamburg Hafentag (“Port day”) at the HSBA Innovation Campus
November 6, 2019: Monika Griefahn visits “People in Politics”, event series of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Hannover
September 27, 2019: Keynote speech at the cultural workshop for creative artists in Karlsruhe
September, 11, 2019: Opening of the Cradle to Cradle Lab, Berlin
Klick here for our blog article
September 3, 2019: Annual Meeting of the Federal German Working Group for Environmentally Conscious Management (B.A.U.M.), Hamburg
June 12./13, 2019 ttz Future Forum in Bremerhaven, speech by Monika Griefahn: “Products and food according to the Cradle to Cradle concept”
Full speech recording (in German)
March 27, 2019 Award ceremony at the film festival “Ecofilmtour“ in Potsdam
March 8, 2019 International Tourist Fair, Berlin: panel discussion about plastic pollution of our oceans
Klick here for our blog article
February 27, 2019 Monika Griefahn speaks at „Greentech in Shipping“ congress, Hamburg
February 25, 2019 Panel discussion on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Holger-Cassens-Award about educational experiences outside school; Hamburg
January 23 and 24, 2019 Presentation and speech at the fair for energyefficient redevelopment and building in Bozen, Italy
January 17, 2019 Lecture at the fair BAU 2019 in Munich about Cradle to Cradle and architecture.
December 12, 2018 Speech at RessVa event, Hamburg, about Cradle to Cradle in architecture
November 23, 2018 Award ceremony of the Right Livelihood Award
November 27, 2018 Two laureates of the Right Livelihood Award visit Berlin
November 7, 2018 Monika Griefahn takes part as interviewee at “Heads and ideas”, Organizer: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ, Berlin
October 30, 2018 Seminar „Environmental policy and sustainability“ starts at TU Hamburg
October 15, 2018 Monika Griefahn as Keynote-Speaker at the internationalen „Change at next Stop“-seminar, Bonn, organizer: Goethe-Institute
October 7, 2018: Keynote by Monika Griefahn at the Entrepreneuship Summit in Berlin, Lecture: Innovations for a positive ecological footprint“
Entire speech (30 Min.) as video (in German): click here
September 27, 2018: Monika Griefahn was invited for the panel discussion „Growth and values“ at the ZEIT-Economy Forum in Hamburg
September 18, 2018: Presentation by Monika Griefahn of a panel discussion at the Congress 2018 „Climate-friendly city“ of th Lebendige Stadt-Foundation
September 5, 2018: Monika Griefahn took part in the panel discussion „From the 1968 environmental movement to „climate-chancellor“ Angela Merkel: nature consciousness and environmental protection in Germany – what have we achieved?, Senckenberg Nature Museum in Frankfurt/Main
April 18, 2018: As chair of the jury for many years Monika Griefahn was part of the award presentation ceremony of the Festival des Umwelt- und Naturfilms (FÖN – „Ökofilmtour“), Potsdam
January 13, 2018: Official speech by Monika Griefahn at the graduation celebration at Leibniz Universität Hannover, faculty for construction engineering and geodesy