A dead whale on the beach! Are there whales here in the Caspian Sea? No, it is an object created by a group of artists to show how vulnerable our world is. After all, it could be that a whale had been washed ashore. The whale object was produced by…
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Insights into a China that can be visited again: trip with the Economic Forum of the Social Democracy
China maintained its position as Germany’s largest trading partner last year, just ahead of the USA. At 253.1 billion euros, imports and exports were slightly higher than trade in goods with the USA (252.3 billion euros). The trip, which was organized by the Economic Forum of the Social Democratic Party…
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Georgia – a country at a crossroads
One can only be torn. On the one hand, while we are in Georgia with the German Council on Foreign Relations (DAGP), tens of thousands of people have been on the streets for over a month protesting against the law “on foreign agents”. It was passed on May 28 against…
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Municipalities as important drivers for a true circular economy
The fact that municipalities with their creative power are a decisive driver for an economy that selects healthy and environmentally compatible materials that are also recoverable – that is what Cradle to Cradle (C2C) means – was underlined by the “C2C Summit: Shaping Communities of the Future” of the Cradle to Cradle NGO, which took place on May 12, 2022 at the C2C LAB in Berlin.
New RLA winners have been announced
They stand up against violence and climate change and address the most pressing questions of our time: Marthe Wandou (Cameroon), Wladimir Sliwjak (Russia), Freda Huson (People of the Wet’suwet’en, Canada) and the Legal Initiative for Forest and Environment (India) are the winners of the Right Livelohood Award (“Alternative Nobel Prize”)…
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